Saturday 20 April 2013

Your Recommended Diet Chat

  • Don’t engage in strenuous exercise
  •  Don’t marry another person with sickle cell anaemia
  •  Don’t marry a person who carries sickle cell trait in his/her blood
  • See your doctor regularly
  • Report all illness to your doctor
  • Marry only people with genotype AA
  • Eat good food
Genotype Blood Test
AA              AA                      YES
AA              AS                       YES
AS              AA                       YES
AS              AS                        NO
SS              AA                        YES
SS              AS                         NO
SS              SS                         NO
Go to the nearest doctor or laboratory to confirm your genotype before getting married.
Genotype AA - Can marry anybody
Genotype AS - Cannot marry AS
O+ Cannot donate blood to anybody
Cannot receive blood from O+v or O-
O- Blood difficult to get
Can take O+ or O- blood in case of emergency

Thursday 11 April 2013

7 Best Uses of Mustard Seed for Treatment

  1. For Curing Poison: To neutralize newly taken poison quickly chew a pinch of mustard seeds with a cup of water twice daily.
  2.  For the Treatment of Miscarriage, Menstruation Problems, and Hard Labour: Grind 50g and pour it into 35cl bottles  for 21 days.
  3. For the Treatment of Stomach, Eyes, Heart Problems and Cough: Grind 50g mix it with 35cl bottle of either original honey or lemon. Adult 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily children 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
  4. For the Treatment of Wounds: Grind 50g of mustard seeds and pour into pure honey and apply it to the wounds twice daily.
  5. For The Treatment Of Convulsion, Epilepsy And Stroke: Grind 100g of the mustard seed and then pour into 70cl of honey or lemon.Children 1 teaspoonful twice daily. Adult 2 tables spoonfuls twice daily. For at least 30 days.
  6. For the Weakness of Man Organ, Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma,Insomnia (sleeplessness) conjunctivitis and sexual disease; grind 100g and pour into 70cl of honey or lemon. Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily for at least 30 days.
  7. For Prevention against Attack of Any Types of Sickness: Take one teaspoonful in a cup of warm water before going to bed every night.You may sweeten it with pure honey for taste.