Thursday 5 March 2015

Sleeping Therapy Treatment

In an anxious world, full of pressures, challenges and stresses, sleep should be restoring anti-dote to daytime cases- a chance to rest the mind, repair the body and prepare for each new day.
The benefit of Goodnight Sleep are:
  • Sleep enhances mental health. Along with exercise, improve confidence, enthusiasm for life and overcomes depression
  • Sleep improve concentration
  •  It aids memory and improves coordination.
  • Sleep lower blood pressure, through sleeplessness can be a result of high pressure and illness.
  • Sleep refreshes the body; it renews, invigorates and revitalized the body.
  • During sleep our sleep produce hormones that are necessary repair worms out body cells and tissues, making us fresh and revitalizes the following day.
  • Sleep combats stress and improves mental concentration during the day.
Some common sleep disorders
  • Insomnia: Difficulty in falling asleep, frequent waking and restlessness during the night.
  • Hypersomnia: Sleep too much and continually feeling tire can be as troublesome as not being able to sleep.
  • Nightmare and troubled dreams.
  • Restlessness: Many sleepless nights are due to tossing and turning and feeling unable to find a comfortable position in bed.
  •  Sleep Walking: This is a rare problem that affects mainly children. 
  • Snoring: People who snore habitually sometimes stop breathing  for short intervals, a symptom of some hear disorder.s
Massage should be given last thing at night in a warm room with dimmed sight.
First, lie on your back while your partner applies something effulge strokes to the legs, then gentle, rhythmic Petri sage to the abdominal area. Next lie face downwards while your partner gives gentle flues range to your whole back, followed by rhythmic wringing, rolling and squeezing Petri sage over the shoulders – if possible in time with our breathing – slowly, gentle to a finish allowing you to roll over gain and drift into sleep.

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