Tuesday 22 November 2016

Boosting Your Memory During Menopause

As women age, their bodies inevitably change. After decades of maturing and living, women find themselves entering menopause. With the end of menstruation, many women experience numerous side effects. Many are nothing more than inconvenience, the dreaded cold and hot spells and the hair loss. However for many women menopause also brings about memory loss and a feeling of forgetfulness. Small details that they once retained with ease now elude them.
This is now the time that many women want to experience the same clarity they had years ago.
Finding a way to boost their memory is one way they can control the changes their body is going through. Dealing with daily brain fog is a problem that can be addressed. An often thought cause of declining memory function in women of menopause age is a lower level of estrogen in the body. As the body nears menopause and prepares to cease monthly menstruation, the estrogen levels that were once strong begin to decline. Many women turn towards conventional medicine that speaks to the benefits of taking an estrogen supplement as a means to ward off the loss of memory that plagues women entering menopause.
They are prescribed a daily or weekly dose of estrogen which is designed to replace the estrogen lost through the process of aging. The body absorbs the added supplements and the mind becomes focused and clear again as it was when the woman was younger. The estrogen acting as a booster for the memory this results in the fogginess that was being felt to disappear.
One of the best defences against a loss of memory for maturing women is exercise. This not only works as a strong stimulant for the brain but it helps to clear the mind. Often when a person is thinking of too many things at once, the brain becomes almost overloaded and just as a cup or bowl becomes full and the liquid seeps out over the edge, so do some details in a memory that is filled to capacity. Menopause often brings about sadness or short time of depression in women.
As women enter a new stage in life they remember their younger years and the promise that those years had. Now looking back they might recall many of the things they did not accomplish. This can lead to a feeling of sadness or depression which also contributes to reduced memory.
By exercising in a moderate way daily or even several times a week, the body responds to that stimulation by helping to relieve the sense of depression, thus working towards feeling as though the memory is back on target.
Being mentally stimulated also helps the menopausal women in many ways. Be it reading a book to their grandchild or playing a friendly game of cards, they are engaging their memories.
By keeping focused on using their minds, their memory naturally stays alert. Boosting the memory this way is a great method of keeping the menopausal women as aware as she was decades ago.
Even though the menopausal woman has to accept the many changes that her body is going through, she does not have to accept memory changes at all. Boosting her memory is a vitally important step to keeping herself young.

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