Saturday 5 November 2016

Cure Memory Loss By Cooking: Memory Lose

Forgetting small things is common for most of us. Little things slip our minds and we become frustrated with our forgetfulness in the moment and then often even that feeling slips away. There are certain techniques that we can use to give our memories a boost.
A fun way to do this is to cook. Of course certain foods aid in helping with boosting the remembering power of your mind, but the act of cooking itself can be a great way to exercise your memory.
For many people cooking involves reading a recipe, gathering the ingredients and following the directions. That is a wonderful way of making certain that what you cook will be edible. It is however a great way to jog your memory back to a place it was years earlier.
The first time you cook a new dish, have the recipe book open. Follow the steps carefully, concentrating on each ingredient, the measurement of it and the directions for completing the dish. If it is a hit, then it is on to part B of the cooking to cure memory loss plan. The next time you whip up that dish for your family, keep the recipe book close but do not open it initially. Instead, gather the ingredients, and then check the book. If you have got them all, you have scored a point.
The next part is easier by assembling them. Actions are important part of boosting one's memory and since you can picture what you did last time, the steps should come to you easily.
If you get stuck, open the book and find the next step. Doing these steps several times on different days will help implant the recipe into your mind. Soon you will be able to call that meal up from your memory with no effort at all.

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