Wednesday 2 November 2016

Boost Your Memory By Playing Bridge: Memory Boost

Things have changed so much in our world that a simple game of cards is becoming a thing of the past. With the introduction of hand-held video games and computer software, picking up a deck of cards and sitting a table is quickly becoming a lost art.
Playing cards is a fun and easy way to socialize. It also can be competitive and it has another benefit that one might not notice at first glance. Playing cards are wonderful way to exercise your mind and boost your memory.
There are so many card games that are fun and easy. A few examples are:
  • Poker 
  • Rumm
  •  Go Fish 
  • Bridge
  •  Hearts

Each is a bit different and many involve using your memory to get ahead in the game. Some games involve watching the cards closely and recognizing which cards have already been dealt and played. With a strong memory to work with you can almost guarantee that you we will have an advantage over the players whose memory is not at the same top notch level as yours. This can translate into a more challenging and rewarding game.
If you find yourself with a deck of cards and no opponents, a game of solitaire can offer the same memory boosting advantages as a rousing game of poker. Many games of solitaire involve close concentration and using your memory. Practice is said to make perfect and with solitaire which is very true. By developing concentration and memory skills you can beat the cards more than they beat you.
If you feel your memory slipping, picking up a deck of cards and dealing them out can help shift that memory back to where it needs to be. It is also a great way to strength concentration skills.

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