Wednesday 2 November 2016

Mental Exercises To Stimulate Memory Function

When you feel your memory is beginning to slip, there are certain exercises that you can use to stimulate your brain and get your memory back in gear.
One of the simplest methods is to read. Reading requires a good deal of concentration.
Concentration is essential to memory function. By taking a few minutes out of each day to read, you are stimulating your memory in a very positive way.
It does not have to be a book that you read, if news interests you than reading then pick a newspaper during your coffee break is a perfect solution. This way you will remember the news stories that your colleagues or spouse might bring up and you will feel confident having read the headline and accompanying story and then committing it to memory. If news does not grab your attention, maybe sports is more interesting to you. Imagine reading the scores of the games the night before and then being able to recite each one from memory. This not only feeds your sports craving, it also stimulates your memory in a way that is really appealing to you.

Another fun way to get reading into your memory exercise plan is to read to your children. Children love this because it entertains them as well as allows them a few special moments with their parents. An added bonus is that while you are reading to them, it is also stimulating their memory. The words and the images in the book are something they enjoy and so naturally they want to commit it to memory. It becomes a wonderful association of learning and connecting with you.
Reading is a great exercise for the memory and when you read something that engages you it is almost effortless while you are boosting your memory you are also boosting your knowledge database.

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